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The Goddess Magick Oracle Book

The Goddess Magick Oracle Book contains information for beginners on how to start and maintain a lifelong partnership with the Goddesses in order to awake the Divine Feminie, as well as 44 special messages sent directly from the Goddesses to you that you can look to for guidance whenever and wherever you feel called to.

Coming February 1st 2022!

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The Nature Spirit Oracle Book

The Nature Spirit Oracle Book is designed to help you gain a personal and fulfilling relationship with the nature spirits so that they can help you in your daily life. You will be able to call upon the fairies, unicorns, dragons, and mermaids in order to gain support for yourself and others. As a result of this relationship you will deepen your connection to nature as well as help to heal Mother Earth.


The Nature Spirit Oracle Book contains information for beginners on how to start and maintain a lifelong partnership with these loving and benevolent spirits, as well as 44 special messages sent directly from the nature spirits to you that you can look to for guidance whenever and wherever you feel called to.

Available on Amazon most eBook platforms

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